2022 Creek Sessions
Creek sessions are some of my FAVORITE images I've ever taken... I am a huge water baby, so anything with water is a complete art piece in my eyes.
There are only 5 creek sessions available this year. Creek sessions are held on Wednesday evenings in August at 5:30PM. You will go to the downtown Akron studio for hair and makeup & wardrobe.. Then you will follow me to the photo site (about 30 minutes away). I have decided that the styling fee of $299 will be waived this year for creek sessions because I really want to create some art in this gorgeous environment before its to late, so I figure I'll save you some cash for allowing me the honor to create with you! A pre-payment plan is required however, but you are paying JUST for what you purchase.. With the minimum purchase of $400. You may split that up into 6 months, so that would take your payment to only $67 a month. If you want one of the 2022 Creek sessions, head to the booking link & get your spot right away! You'll be emailed a pre-payment plan contract, and once that is filled out your session will be confirmed. If your pre-session plan isn't filled out within 24hrs, your session will be cancelled. |